A spring risotto helps bridge that gap between winter and summer. It's warm and comforting, but loaded with spring veggies and gives you a bit of hope for sunny days ahead.
This risotto uses steel cut oats as the grain, boasting a higher protein and fiber content than the rice typically used in this Italian dish. The result is chewy and delicious.
Spring Steel Cut Risotto
Serves 3
3 tsp olive oil, divided (the truffle oil from Pomora is fantastic)
1/2 cup sliced yellow onion
12 slices Canadian bacon (uncured if possible), finely chopped
1 Tbsp minced garlic
1 cup quick cooking steel cut oats
2 oz white wine
3 cups low sodium vegetable broth
2 tsp maple syrup
1/2 tsp ground oregano
1/2 tsp ground parsley
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 tsp dried thyme
1/2 cup frozen green peas, rinsed under warm water to defrost
1/3 cup shredded parmesan cheese
12 spears asparagus, cut into thirds
Sea salt and ground black pepper
In a dutch oven or heavy skillet heat 2 tsp oil over medium high heat. Add onion, bacon, and garlic and sauce until lightly browned. Add steel cut oats and white wine. Stir until wine is absorbed. Add broth, 1/2 cup at a time, stirring until entirely absorbed before adding the next 1/2 cup. Continue until all broth is used and oats are cooked through. Stir in maple syrup, dried herbs, and parmesan cheese. Gently fold in peas.
In a small nonstick skillet, heat 1 tsp olive oil and sauté asparagus until just cooked through, 3-4 minutes. Season with salt and ground black pepper.
Top each serving of risotto with asparagus spears and additional sprinkles of parmesan cheese if desired.
Nutrition info per ~1 cup: 372 calories, 12 g fat, 45 g carbohydrates, 22 g protein, 7 g fiber
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