1. Kaufmann Merchantile is one of the best websites for gifts! They have unique finds like these hot sauces and these plates that are keepsake quality and special!
2. I need HELP!!! My hubby just got a new iPhone 5s- he joined the real world. I am trying to transfer his 3000 songs from his 2nd Gen iPod (archaic) to his phone and am finding it impossible. Computer gurus please help!! I'm not cut out for things like this.
3. Um, I'm wondering if vanilla toasted coconut cashew butter could ever NOT be tasty?
4. I'm a wee bit late to the Valentine's Day party with these naturally colored red velvet whoopie pies. Let's celebrate some more.
5. You know me and whole grain breakfasts! I'm in on this quinoa porridge (I just love the word porridge).
It may not be you, as far as the ipod goes. I never had a bit of trouble getting music from itunes to my ipod. Then I downloaded the recent itunes software. Ever since then, syncing the ipod has been a nightmare. My only advice would be to look up Kenichi Watanabe on the apple support (ipod) page and see his tips.